Nomy - straight ahead

We are not here to live this way*
Take this time to realize
How we live is not ok

Every year is just the same
I can't remember yesterday
I'm in a movie with one frame

Take time to fall
Don't run just crawl
Fuck that just go

Take these chains away
I'm going to leave you here with your dick in your hand I'm going to walk my way

Take this pain in me
I'm going to leave you here with your dick in your hand I'm going to walk my way

In the past you don't exist
What you've done is what you've done
If your memory insist

Straight ahead you'll see the end
The end of everything you hate
The only thing you understand

You're sitting on my shoulder
Your words are like a poison
I feel I'm getting older
You're sitting on my shoulder
This time I'm shutting you out
I'm going straight ahead now
This time I can't hear your shout
This time I'm shutting you out


älskar texten & låten <3


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